Going from sun-deprived to a gorgeous glow isn’t about blasting yourself with as much sun as you can. That’s why St. Croix Tan wants to provide you with these Tanning Tips:
What’s the most important thing to remember? Don’t Ever Burn!
Deciding which equipment to use without reddening your skin is what your Tanning Consultant specializes in. We use a process called skin typing to determine what category your skin falls under to recommend equipment and lotions while avoiding the discomfort and harm of sunburn.
Before you go to St. Croix Tan to relax in one of our pieces of equipment, here are a few things you can do to enhance your results:
Prep Your Skin – Before going in to suntan, it is a good idea to prep your skin for the sunlight. Basically, this means being nice and clean! Moisturized skin will hold a better tan as well, so regular moisturizing at home will also increase the longevity of your tan.
Avoid Wearing Make-Up – Make-up, deodorant, and perfumes can interfere with sun tanning lotions and UV rays, so try not to wear them before going to St. Croix Tan. Also, remember to remove watches or jewelry that could cause tan lines.
If Taking Meds – Talk to Doctor Before Tanning – Some medications, like high blood pressure prescriptions, can be weakened or otherwise affected by UV exposure. Please consult your physician before tanning to determine if your medication is photosensitive. Instant Sunless Spray Tanning is a great way to get a tan that is brilliant, beautiful, and free of UV exposure.
Once you walk into your private tanning room at St. Croix Tan, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you strengthen your tanning results:
Decide If You’re Going Nude – When you enter your private tanning room at St Croix Tan, the first decision you’ll be faced with is whether or not to remove all of your clothes. This decision is entirely up to you. To avoid tan lines, many of our clients decide to tan in the nude. If you go this route, remember that some areas of your body haven’t seen the sun in a long time, if ever. These areas will be more likely to redden if you’re not careful. You may only want to reveal these sensitive areas directly to the lamps for part of your session, while laying a towel under or over them for the rest of the session. Even with the towel or clothing between the lamps and your skin, some UV exposure will occur, which will build up the tolerance for your next visit.
Apply Your Lotion – Sun tanning accelerator lotions work best when they are applied right before your tanning sessions. After removing your clothes, applying lotion should be your next step. However, do not use regular sunscreen or outdoor sun tanning lotion! It can adversely affect your tan and can also damage our tanning equipment. Talk to a Tanning Consultant to decide which indoor lotion will give you the biggest boost toward reaching your tanning goals.
Wear Protective Eyewear – State and federal law require that you wear proper protective eyewear when tanning because your eyelids are too thin to block out UV rays entirely. Both regular and temporary protective eyewear are available at each of our tanning salon locations.
No Need to Flip! – Many tanners new to indoor sun tanning may think they need to flip over onto their stomachs during their sessions, as they would when tanning in the sun. However, our beds are designed to tan you without requiring you to flip.
Some experienced tanners find it beneficial to move their arms from their sides to over their heads to expose that underarm area.
After you complete your sun tanning session at St. Croix Tan, here are a few things to keep in mind to help you protect your tanning results:
Apply More Lotion… Yes, Again! – Tan extenders can help keep you moisturized, which is the surest way to keep a tan lasting longer. Talk to a Tanning Consultant to determine a moisturizing tan extender that can help keep your tan looking rich and golden for longer.
If you feel you may have gotten sunburned – try to shower as soon as you can. Sometimes, a quick shower can slow the effects of sunburn. After showering, be sure to apply an aloe-based relief lotion. See a Tanning Consultant for recommendations of the best reddening relief products available.
When it comes to getting a long-lasting suntan, exfoliation can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Read the tips below to make sure you keep exfoliation on your tan’s good side!
Exfoliate, but Don’t Over-Exfoliate – It may sound complicated, but we promise it isn’t. Exfoliation is necessary for a good tan—it gets dead skin cells away so that your skin is more accepting of a warm, golden color. But, over-exfoliating can cause you to scrub away layers of your tan and shorten its lifespan. Try to exfoliate once a week, preferably on the same day each week, just before a tanning session.
Exfoliate Only on Your Skin’s Rough Patches – Do you feel like your skin could benefit from exfoliation more than once a week? Try exfoliating only on the rough areas of your skin—like your elbows, knees, and the heels of your feet whenever you feel the need for a refreshing scrub in the shower. These are the areas that need frequent exfoliation the most and scrubbing these areas should affect your tan the least.
Use a Salt-Free Exfoliating Scrub – Salt is a natural enemy of your vibrant color and can shorten the lifespan of your tan.
For Sunless Instant Spray Tanning, Exfoliate Right Before Your Session – But never right after! Exfoliating beforehand will shed your skin of its dead skin cells and make it more prone to accepting the spray color of the sunless instant spray tan. Exfoliating right after, however, may cause the solution to wear off faster than necessary.